Item support is a service provided by Having support for your purchased item means that the author will be available to you, the buyer, to iron-out any potential issues you have in using the item

What’s included in item support

The item support period

A supported item includes item support for 6 months from the purchase date. During those six months, the support staff from are expected to be available to provide the item support services, we’ve set out on this page. Response times  can vary depending on the volume of inquiries, the nature of the request, and whether questions have already been answered or support has already been provided (see ‘fair-use’ later on). Our office is in India and timing for providing support is as under :

  1. Monday to Friday – 10.30 AM to 6.30 PM – India timing
  2. Saturday – 10.30AM to 2 PM -India Timing

Answering technical questions about the item (and included third party assets)

During the item support period the suport stafff is expected to be available to:

  • Answer your specific questions about the features and functionality of the item
  • Provide some guidance on the way the item is designed
  • Help you with issues related to using the item and getting the most value out of its functionality.
  • Answer questions about third party assets or functionality (e.g. plug-ins) bundled with the item, such as how they work and other technical questions.
  • Examine any excel or csv sheet given by you in the support ticket for problems and consulting what to do

Help with defects in the item or included third party assets

During the item support period, you can report and discuss bugs and minor item defects with us, and we are expected to be available to assist you with reported bugs. If appropriate, we may issue bug fixes directly to you as part of item support.

What’s not included in item support

Item customization

Item support does not include services to modify or extend the item beyond the original features, style and functionality described on the item page. For customization services that will help you tailor the item to your specific requirements, please contact us separately.

What’s included in all item purchases

Updates to ensure the item works as described and is protected against major security concerns

All items on should work as described in the preview, screenshots, item description, etc. In the instance that there is something wrong with the item and you are expecting an update; depending on the type of update, it can take several days/weeks to properly fix, test, review and release.

Included version updates for all items

Any -minor or major -updates that come out within six months of purchase are provided to buyer for free. They will be notified through emails or general notifications. However, after six months, if any update is required, a buyer need to have subscription of support services for that product .

Other details

We suggest that before you ask  for support, read the documentation (included with the downloaded item) and any additional information available on the item pages (FAQs, Comments, etc) to see if that information answers your questions.